



1. Perhaps the most important aesthetics of the twentieth century appears here newly translated, in English that is for the first time faithful to the intricately demanding language of the original German.The culmination of a lifetime of aesthetic investigation, Aesthetic Theory is Adorno's major work, a defense of modernism that is paradoxical in its defense of illusion. In it, Adorno takes up the problem of art in a day when "it goes without saying that nothing concerning art goes without saying." In the course of his discussion, Adorno revisits such concepts as the sublime, the ugly, and the beautiful, demonstrating that concepts such as these are reservoirs of human experience. These experiences ultimately underlie aesthetics, for in Adorno's formulation "art is the sedimented history of human misery."

2.Middle Ages were followed by a period of great progress and changes, The Renaissance. The people of the 1400s proclaimed a new age and the rebirth of civilisation. Achievements were made in both arts and science during the period. The people in the 1400s claimed that the Middle Ages were a time of cultural and scientific decline, - The Middle/Dark Ages- between the time of ancient Europe and their own time. The Renaissance was characterised by a great interest in learning and education. People studied the ancient works from Greece and Rome, and they admired ancient culture, science and art. The renaissance people felt that the study of humanities enriched their lives and that a person with proper education could enjoy a fully rewarding life. Humanities means people and the human society (history, literature, grammar and rhetoric). The study of medicine and theology were still important subjects. During the renaissance an interest in individuals grew. The nature of individuality was studied. In the Middle Ages men and women had been a part a whole and no particular interest was aimed at the individual.






問題 人類が後世に残す藝術作品を一つだけ選ぶことになった場合、あなたの残す藝術作品を具体的に一つ挙げ、その論拠を述べよ。また一つだけ残す藝術作品の大きさ、重さは自由である。


本日の歳費;カメラ電池1260充電池売ってないバージョン、エースコックにけつっ105あんまうまくなかったかな、いや、もうおなかいっぱいやったのにたべたからかも、やまざきどーなつ105、さいきんこれすきだな、おれ、だってこれふつうのとこで買ったらけっこうたかいんだもん。世界堂イラストボード、わりびきけんつこて77、りぷとんゆずてぃー105うまし、だいがくいも105C、  計1775円 也


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